Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Bianca Dragusanu will be Capatos`s assitent
Bianca Dragusanu is one step to become the new star of the show "un show pacatos". It has passed a series of tests today to become an assistant to Dan .
"I went to a casting, but still do not know if I will be his assistent ",she told us . However, rumors certainly give that autumn, we see Bianca appetizing on small screens, on Antena 1.
Labels: Bianca Dragusanu
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Valea Izei
Satul Vadu Izei, cunoscut pentru meşteşugarii săi şi pentru sculptura în lemn, se află la unirea a două râuri importante, Iza şi Mara, la aproape 7 km sud de Sighetu Marmaţiei. Populată încă din Epoca de bronz, dovadă stând brăţările şi monezile din argint, satul este atestat prima dată în 1383, cu numele Satul lui Lupu. Acum, nu este doar unirea celor două drumuri aici, ci şi unirea a două drumuri importante, DN 18 cu DJ 186, care oferă o importanţă notabilă satului.
În Vadu Izei există pictori care fac icoane pe sticlă, precum Ioan Borlean; ţesători precum Maria Moldovan şi Ileana Borlean, persoane care fac pături sau covoare cu lână vegetală vopsită; şi oameni care fac coşuri împletite, precum Mihai Petreuş, care face coşuri minunate şi alte obiecte folosind răchită şi alun. De asemenea, există în zonă numeroşi muzicanţi şi cântăreţi, iar oamenii din Vadu Izei nu sunt numiţi dobaşi degeaba.
În concordanţă cu acestea, în fiecare an în iulie, există Festivalul Nuntilor. Grupuri de cântăreţi populari şi dansatori vin din toată zona Maramureşului, din alte părţi ale României şi chiar din străinătate, pentru a interpreta cântece sau dansuri legate de nunta tradiţională.
Există un mic muzeu, Casa memorială a lui Vasile Kazar, lângă noua biserică Greco-Catolică. Aceasta este o gospodărie din secolul al XVIII-lea, cu obiecte vechi şi textile, care arată cum vieţile sătenilor continuă pe aceeaşi linie.
În afară de pensiunile bine stabilite, există şi un punct de informaţii pentru turişti, lângă primărie şi poştă. De aici se pot cumpăra hărţi şi cărţi despre regiune, diverse obiecte de artizanat (icoane, olărie, costume, măşti, etc.) sau se poate angaja un ghid local pentru turul satelor din apropierea văilor râurilor.
Următorul sat de după Vadu Izei, la 5 km în sus spre valea Izei, este Onceşti cu 1,500 de locuitori. Mai multe descoperiri arheologice demonstrează continuitatea aşezării din timpurile preistorice: unelte, bijuterii şi săbii medievale. Satul obişnuia să aibă o biserică frumaosă, din lemn, care este acum la Muzeul Satului, din Sighetu Marmaţiei.
Bârsana este o comună mare, de aproape 5.000 de locuitori, aflat pe malul drept al Izei, la aproape 20 km sud-est de Sighetu Marmaţiei. În afară de drumul principal DJ 186, care urcă pe valea Izei, DJ 185 leagă satul de Ocna Şugatag şi valea Cosău.
Bârsana este unul dintre satele cele mai cunoscute din Maramureş datorită mănăstirii construite destul de recent, care a devenit simbolul Maramureşului şi al arhitecturii din lemn. Mai mult decât atât, aceasta există şi biserica veche din lemn a satului, Intrarea Maicii Domnului în biserică, construită în 1720 ca biserica mănăstirii, care se află pe Lista Moştenirilor Mondiale a UNESCO.
Poienile Izei se află la maxim 4 km distanţă de Glod, spre Botiza şi Şieu; satul este înconjurat de cărările de pe munţii Lăpuş. Este un sat de aproape 1,100 de locuitori cu puternice tradiţii.
Rozavlea este un sat cu peste 4,000 de locuitori, pe partea dreaptă a râului Iza, la 7 km în contra curentului de Strâmtura, şi la cam 37 km de sud-vest de Sighetu Marmaţiei via DJ 186. Cele mai vechi descoperiri sunt din Epoca de Piatră, deşi atestările scrise datează din 1353.
În fiecare an la sfârşitul lui august, se sărbătoresc Zilele Culturale ale Rozei Rozalina, prilej cu care se adună grupuri folclorice care vin din diferite părţi ale regiunii şi ale ţării. Tot atunci, tradiţiile maramureşului sunt discutate în cadrul unui simpozion.
Labels: maramures, valea izei
Friday, August 7, 2009
Naomi and Ramona Badescu, on stage at Mamaia
At the 39 th edition, the Festival feels Mamaia in turn crisis.
With a budget less than 20% percent from the previous year, to 1,760,000 Lei Event that follow take place during August 17-23 does, however, discount theawards and their guests and the public expects in a cosmetizat in Tannery Park in Constanta, which has hosted this event in 1999.
With new clothes, the show this year's anniversary stands under the sign of 2000 years of exile, the tip Euxin, the poet Ovidiu. A festival without scandals last year to invite friends before, such as Ramona Badescu, and names that do honor the Romanian scene, as Olimpia Panciu, are just some of the surprises revealed by the organizers.
Novelty Edition "Mamaia 2009" Interpretation is the section where all finalists will be required to submit to the last confrontation with another piece than that with which they competed.
The jury this year was a particularly difficult mission, because as said chairman Mădălin Voicu, at the 2009 edition will show that English music begins to depart from the more than kitsch is in a corner recent years, and "those who write music to us become more professional."
About professionalism and rigor with which they were tested candidates speak Corina Chiriac, which, along with Mădălin Voicu, Viorel Gavrila, composed of "triumviratul "for sifting the wheat cockle. Optimistic on this year's edition, although it can not fire to fire, Corina Chiriac ensure that he chose the best competitors. Among them are, for the second time, the controversial transsexual Florin Moldovan, Naomi alias. If the sexual occupations were always the subject of controversy, few were those who denied his interpretative abilities.
Among trophy at the 2009 edition include Naomi, whose opportunities in competition
are equal to those of contracandidaţilor. View this year's President Mădălin Voicu, it is more "quietly" than the previous edition. He openly acknowledges qualities Naomi's voice, but says that assumes the right not to comment about his private life and the scandals that he caused last time.
Naomi got the most powerful applause from the public, but not qualified for an award
Interpretation of section. Without trying to discourage him and this year, the same section, after having convinced the jury, the pre, with pieces "Salcia" and "A player rushed. "
According to Cristian Zgabercea Director Directorate of culture Constanta County Council, every night of the festival will mark the celebration when his presence Ovidiu shore dobrogean recitals by artists supported by the Romanian and the Italian brand. Thus, on August 20, will play Corina Chiriac and Italian Erminio, 21 evening will be completed by Nicola and his guests, Distincto Adrian Romcescu and Ladyes and Francesco Napoli, and the final of August 22, Ramona Bădescu and call its , Millennium and Rafaelo di Pietro.
Gala winners will end in the groove of samba school dancers Brazilian names hard to remember, "Cultural Social Gremio Recreativo Escola de Samba Vai-Vai, to delight in Mamaia for tourists by the mayor of Constanta, Radu Pea.
Labels: mamaia, ramona badescu
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Elena Carstea will be operated on the brain
Surgery is a considered a pretty big risk, because the aneurysm is located behind the eyes.
Labels: Elena Carstea
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Italians, shield around Adrian Mutu
The news that Romania is obliged with 17 million Chelsea team take on sensitize officials and supporters toscana. Adrian Mutu returned to the spotlight in Florence after Friday at noon, it was noised abroad that the English club is indebted bald sea London with 17 million. Romania was approached immediately after practice Friday morning Andrea Della Valle, chairman of the club Fiorentina, who promised his support to efforts that will continue to get rid of debt burden dictated by FIFA in May last year and approved TAS now for two days.
Supporters awaiting a sign from association football players
"Adrian is sad, but it is our duty, all to protect it and not expose him to pressure the media. I hope the anger that has accumulated one of the long process to reverse the land of soccer in a positive sense, "said Della Valle.
Not only the president band "rape" is alongside Adrian Mutu. Fiorentina supporters have suggested the site fiorentina.it, organizing public takings in order to help the "Brilliant" to raise the amount of 17 million. "A joke? Maybe not. The idea that players' association and Fiorentina supporters to lie down and help kick Mutu circulating for some time, shown on the website of supporters Toscani.
They expected an initiative of the professional players association in Italy to help with the symbolic sum of money.
Call RightsHuman?
Mutu has consulted with his lawyer in Italy, Paul Rodella, and put on paper the decision to counterattack the TAS, which is the final line sports. Attorney seeks in these days a procedural flaw in the decision TAS, following that between August 15 and September 15 that the Swiss Federal Court. "We will use this for the decision to block TAS. If there will be lots of zibândă, Rodella make a petition to the European Court of Human Rights.
Journalists from the Italian "Gazzetta dello Sport" notes that Mutu seemed "in shock" at Friday night training of Fiorentina. Finally, had a separate discussion and coach Cesare Prandelli.
Londonezii enjoys: "I was right"
London club Chelsea, Mutu that evolved between 2003 and 2004, when he was found with cocaine positively welcomes the decision of the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne. "Chelsea has made known TAS decision to reject his call Adrian Mutu and maintain financial penalty dictated by the Chamber of Re zolvare dispute within FIFA for our club. TAS Decision justify all our actions in this case, shown on the official website of the London group.
Labels: adrian mutu
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Cleopatra Stratan with Daddy at the beach
In the tournament season, and Pavel Stratan Cleopatra took advantage of her free time between concerts to tan and wallow in the sea.
The two were at the beach Eforie Nord, and the star of six years has attracted attention to her once and made the appearance sheets, dozens of fans strângându be near her. Răbdătoare, Cleo has been talking to all her admirers, big and small, and awarded them, happy, autographs. Little diva and her father were at the beach an hour, then went to the hotel.
Labels: Cleopatra Stratan
Princess Lia, pregnancy without problems at 56 years
Princess Lia, wife of Prince Paul of Romania, is charged in three months, will give birth early next year.
Although the future mother is listed first youth, with this 56 years, until now no difficulty with the task that you wear.
Parents future prince announced that the baby will be baptized in the Orthodox religion.
Labels: Princess Lia
Madalina Manole became mommy
Madalina Manole a boy was born on 8 June 2009 at the Giulesti maternity Capital.
Artist is to fulfill 42 years in July and mommy is a happy and fulfilled, the little boy with them 2.6 kilograms and 56 cm.
"The girl with hair of fire" will baptize son Peter, and in autumn this year is scheduled wedding Mircea Petru.
Labels: madalina manole